Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Newbie post

A few weeks ago, I realized that my stint in Philadelphia would be ending very soon. Less than three months left in this city until I return back to the other corner of the state to temporarily stay with my 'rents. And less than six months until I leave the country.

Less than three months left of a four-year-long saga. And I have no proof.

Other than Facebook updates, I really don't have any long-lasting proof that I lived here. That I occupied a certain space for a certain period of time.

I haven't owned a camera since the summer of 2007 when my last point-and-shoot died in Spain. A few months later and I was urban-livin' on Temple University's main campus. I convinced myself that there was no need to replace my camera because I was all about living in the moment, man.

After all, I was still keeping a journal. But that journal progressively turned into a compilation of dream descriptions, potential song lyrics, & to-do lists. Thus, mostly what I would like to do, or think of doing.

But no documentation of what I've actually been doing in Philly -- the people I've met, places I've seen, food I've eaten, shows I've seen, bars out of which I've stumbled, cars I've cursed, conversations I've heard, or the kittens I've petted.

I'd like to avoid making this blog what it seems: the life of a frustrated but contentedly bored college graduate with no job prospects or children. 

Several weeks ago when I purchased my one-way ticket outta here, my life became impermanent. Maybe it was even when I was going to school, but there were more obligations than lie ahead of me now. Philly is fading away as new frontiers come into sight. Changes are afoot, and they will become the standard over the next few years.

This blog will document my impermanence, as I simultaneously fulfill my urge to write things down and fill you in. I'm looking to communicate with the outside world in the only way the millennial generation knows how: the Internet.

Get fuckin' psyched.

1 comment:

  1. :) I look forward to your future blogs, you impermanent little thing, you. Also, excited to visit you abroad! Hope I see you back home before you fly out. - Hillary
