Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Pessimistically Positive

As much as I wanna bitch and moan to you guys about...

...the rain,
my lack of inspiration,
too-soft potatoes,
my period,
and my student leaving me to go back to her homeland,

I should really talk about something positive. Because good things are happening.

1. My 23rd birthday is coming up, and Elliot's throwing me a par-tay (more pics to come, fur shur). He's gonna put his hostin' hat on, whip up some gourmet pintxos, and make sure everyone has a good time. Especially me! We are inviting pretty much everyone we know here, which makes for a nice little soirée.

2. Speaking of soirée, I've decided to learn French! I downloaded a Lonely Planet phrase book on my iPod, and a step-by-step language book on my Kindle (here's to teachin' yerself). Even though it seems like I had a terrible time skiing there, I realized that I really want to explore France. And I've wanted to take up a third language for a long time. The choice was originally between German, French, and Chinese. Although I haven't given up on the others, French seems the easiest right now, and the most accessible while living in northern Spain.

3. Elliot and I did the good deed of helping our next door neighbor move out of her apartment last week. It was amazing, the system they had. Of course, Elliot and I realized that it was the only way to do it. We live on the "fifth" floor of our building (I use quotation marks because although our apartment number is 5C, we technically have to climb seven flights of stairs) and in order to avoid tuckering yourself out too fast, you need approximately 7 or 8 friends spread out between your door and the street. We moved all her shit down "five" flights of stairs, and then up another four, in about 2 hours! Plus she gave us a bunch of expired, albeit frozen, organic chicken (she works at one of the health food stores we frequent). Not only was our help very much appreciated, but we felt good enough to go out and drink 'til four in the morning that night!

4. I've been freelance translating! For pay! And I may have found what I will seek to do in order to make a living throughout my life -- I think they call this a career. I've only translated a few pieces, but they're generally articles from academic journals. Believe it or not, my degree in psychology is helping me more than my degree in Spanish. Due to my current (and more lucrative) position as an English teacher, I can't get too serious about this just yet. But I plan on getting serious within the year, and possibly making it a full-time gig within the next two years.

Ultimately, we're just hankerin' for some summer. We got a taste of warm weather the last few weeks, but lately it's been cold and rainy. May, June, and July will not only bring higher temperatures, but also some visitors from back home, a huge music festival, and San Fermin (i.e. the running of the bulls).

Exciting times ahead! Must look forward!

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